Hello Fellow SDCDS Members,
As the President of the San Diego County Dental Society, I am pleased to share some exciting news. The operations of the SDCDS office will be moving to a hybrid model starting October 1st, 2023. On August 29th, the Board of Directors voted unanimously to implement this hybrid model. This will allow us to expand the offerings that our members are asking for and to reimagine how the SDCDS can best use its resources.
During these past few years, it has become clear that the value of the SDCDS does not rest in its physical location. Rather, its value rests in its ability to offer support, provide advocacy, and implement programs that benefit the individual needs of our members. We’ve discovered that the need for a traditional physical location has diminished while the desire for more offsite benefits and remote offerings has increased.
While this may seem like a big change, the impact on the operations will be minimal. Beginning October 1st, you will still be able to call the office and speak with our staff 5 days a week. The staff will be available for in-person meetings 3 days a week at our new co-work location. Our new location, named Ignite sparked by BBB, is located at 4747 Viewridge Ave, San Diego, CA 92123. You will be able to book a meeting by contacting our Executive Director or staff by email, which can be found on the website.
The courses formally held at the SDCDS location on West Morena Blvd will now be held at Ignite or another convenient location, providing amenities not currently available at West Morena Blvd. You can expect more networking events, varied locations for CE courses to better accommodate all members, and enhanced learning environments with state-of-the-art technology.
The goal of this move is to put our resources to their best use. I encourage you to make an appointment to visit our new location or sign up for one of our upcoming classes at Ignite. Please join us at our open house event on October 27th from 6 pm to 8 pm. You will have an opportunity to see our co-workspace in person.
We hope to see you there!
Dr. Tyler Johnson
SDCDS President