Ways to Donate

  • Make a One-time Donation
    Use the form to make a one-time donation to support our mission.
  • Make a Memorial/In Honor Contribution
    Use the donation form to contribute in honor of someone. Be sure to select “in honor of” or “in memorial of” and indicate the person’s name.
  • Monthly Giving
    Use the donation form to set up a recurring monthly contribution to support SDCDF’s mission.
  • Donate through your Dues
    When you pay your yearly dues, look for the line item on the renewal form that adds a contribution to the Foundation. You can also add a donation while renewing your membership online.
  • In-kind Contributions
    Donate goods or services to the Foundation. Gifts of stock, personal property, or real estate provide the largest immediate income tax deduction while providing a lasting impact. Please contact support@sdcds.org.
  • Leave a Legacy
    Remember SDCDF when creating your will or trust. Contact us to learn how to leave a legacy.

Any questions about these donation methods can be directed to support@sdcds.org.
If you prefer to donate over the phone, please call 619-275-7190.