Give Kids a Smile 2.0 Volunteer Opportunity: Adopt-a-School

This year, Give Kids a Smile 2.0 is taking a different approach! It is now a comprehensive, ongoing program focused on education, prevention, and access to treatment all year long. Adopt-a-School is one way for you to volunteer and create a partnership that benefits children!

How to Get Involved
There are two ways you can help:

1. Provide visual dental screenings at the school site.  

2. Provide free treatment to children with an urgent dental problem in your office.

 By volunteering, you make your own schedule, including setting your time commitment and how many children you will serve. If you are interested, please complete this form: Give Kids a Smile 2.0 Adopt-a-School Interest Form. You can also visit San Diego County Dental Foundation

For questions about this event, email

Thank you for all that you do to promote healthy smiles for children!

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